Contractor Safety plays a key role in day-to-day business activities and project execution. Often the safety team is overstrained with all this auxiliary tasks and duties due to the lacking of standardized procedures and shortness of resources.

Conflicts at the interfaces of service execution between sponsor and service provider provoke risks of incident verifiably and causes unplanned manufacturing disruptions and delays of production.

Businesses are required to ensure and verify the safety and occupational health of their employees, vendors and every service provider.

To accomplish this obligation in efficient economic performance and risk-based approach requires high level capabilities from the risk management team

The contractor safety management program developed by Cosafim is an effective, expedient and economic solution to this problem

Day To Day Challenges

  1. Service outsourcing is a growth market
  2. For the execution of service orders with contractors business is missing standardized and striking procedures
  3. Every contractor-provided service poses an additional risk
  4. Contractor accident rates are significant higher than with your own employees
    (as per EKAS 6508 3 fold higher, as per VBG 2.5. fold)
  5. Liability always remains with the contracting entity (labor protection law)

Safety Shortfalls

  • Responsibility for tasks and duties related to services are often ambiguously defined
  • Poor order and project coordination leads to safety deficiencies
  • Operating rules, instructions, and potential hazards are insufficient communicated
  • In many cases, risk assessments reveal deficiencies, safety statements have gaps and the workforce is not adequately trained
  • Service providers are insufficiently vetted for quality and expertise and these checks are not thoroughly documented
  • Companies frequently lack in-house resources with the expertise required for performing appropriate safety checks and controls on the spot
  • End-of-contract inspections are incomplete, final appraisals are skipped and no feedback process is implemented

Interface Clashes


Our Services

  • Cosafim provides a standardized and field-proven Contractor Safety Management program, easily adaptable to efficiently meet your business needs
  • We design a customized, risk-based Contractor Safety Management program including all required trainings harmonized with your operation
  • We perform the complete overall management of contractors: initial contact, registration, screening, qualification, appraisal, checks and all communication
  • For all your service providers we develop constructive action plans to help them meet predefined operational requirements
  • For projects we draw and implement tailor-made Health, Safety and Environment project manual, from management to execution
  • Specified risk mitigation measures we implement in a skillful and transparent manner along with corresponding efficiency and robustness checks (PDCA)
  • We manage and facilitate a feedback process between business and contractors
  • Periodically we monitor and perform verification of the CSM program
  • For accident / incident investigations you receive professional expertise support;
    we establish impactful prevention measures tuned up with your operation team

Your Benefit

  • Considerably lighten the workload of internal resources on matters related to contractor safety management and legal compliance
  • You work with a standardized, custom and economically efficient CSM program
  • You receive comprehensive transparency about all engaged service provider including performance level, quality of workmanship or service, and adherence to safety requirements
  • Responsibility for performing tasks and duties is clearly assigned before any work begins
    Every party involved knows the rules, communication channels are clearly defined
  • The appraisal of all contractors is performed by independent, experienced experts with a transparent and objective method
  • Your business achieves an appreciable increase in safety and profitability;
    you record lower accident rates, occupational health risks, damages, disruption and less downtime
  • You safety departement notes a perceptible decline of monitoring efforts and costs

Let our wealth of experience and expertise work for you – we would be happy to assist you.

Please contact us to set up a free initial consultation with no obligations